20 years later, I still miss Henry… (A piece of you may too.)

His family knew him as Henry.

You know him as John.

In 1943, delivered a Deutschendorf.

In 1997, died a Denver.

A random day in 1973.  I’m a 4-year-old bouncing in the passenger seat of my Dad’s 18-wheeler on a narrow road after a long day.  My heart jumps as the radio plays, “Take me home… to the place… I belong…”  Same Scenario a year later.  Dad & I belt another one out together over the diesel engine’s roar, “Life on the farm is kind of laid back.  Ain’t nothin’ a country boy like me can’t hack.  Early to rise. Early to the sack.”  22-more years finds Dad & I a few rows from the stage singing with John Denver (and a few thousand others) at a live concert.   The older I grew the more deeply I identify with his lyrics like no one else’s.
Countless times since, at least weekly, heading home from work, I’ll sing along with or without John, “There’s a fire softly burning, The supper is on the stove, It’s the light in your eyes that makes me warm… Hey, it’s good to be back home again
If anyone wrote and sang the soundtrack for my life, it was John Denver.
Each year more details surface like a continual discovery of winding yet parallel tracks.  A persistent revelation of the resonating lyrics in my youth were simply reflections of similar paths.
  • A deep appreciation for all that creation offered, it’s ruggedness, it’s fragility, it’s resilience, it’s beauty.
  • The allure of a good chord progression, paired with a simple melody and an alternating baseline.
  • The joy of being rooted in generational thinking, doing what we can to make a difference, and leaving a legacy for our prodigy.
  • The calling to be a champion of the environment, wildlife and the fascination of capturing it all with a camera lens.
  • The eternally optimistic perspective that a live performance can infuse an audience towards a positive change.
  • Performing for the sole reason of sharing all the joy we feel in living.
  • Blissfully enjoying the magic & metaphor of expressing yourself through the love of flying.
Ultimately, John’s excitement and exuberance to fly was a factor in his untimely passing.
People often ask me,
“So, what really lead to John’s untimely death?”
1. He was an experienced pilot with multiple ratings in multiple planes.
2. His plane was a proven design created by world-renowned designer Burt Rutan.
3. His plane’s well-intended builder included an improvement that was ultimately questioned.
4. This modification was a factor that led to similar emergency situations for the 2-previous owners.
5. The modification was a main factor in a series of decisions that led to John’s incident.
I remain grateful for all that John Denver has contributed.  What a privilege to live in an era where we can relive John Denver’s musical & lyrical contributions instantly.   As I celebrate John Denver’s life today these thoughts streak through my mind like the Perseids.  In sporadic poignant succession…  Each followed by another…
  • Today matters.
  • Each moment matters.
  • Each thought that guides each decision matters.
  • Every decision we make matters.
  • We are not promised tomorrow.
  • One thought can minimize or even end our tomorrows.
  • We are all dreamers and doers that live-out-loud, and that matters.
  • Dot each “I”, Cross every “T”.
  • Follow a master designer.
  • Know and thrive in your own context.
  • Give freely to others.
  • Love with reckless abandon.
  • Sing with all your heart, out loud & even off key.
  • Freely and vulnerably share your love with others.
  • Our thoughts and decisions affect our lifespan.
  • The longer we stick around, the more time we resonate with those who enjoy us most.
  • Recording our heart and our art, others can relive and enjoy… even after we pass.
  • It’s a great life,
  • Celebrate it all.
“I’ve been lately thinking about my life’s time,
All the things I’ve done, how it’s been.
The ways that it should be, The ways that it could be,
Things I’d do differently if I could do it all again”
And I have to say it now,
It’s been a good life all in all,
It’s really fine to have a chance to hang around.
 Lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire,
While all my friends and my old lady sit and watch the sun go down.
How sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care.
All our dreams and the memories we share.”
 John Denver 12/31/43 – 10/12/97






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37 thoughts on “20 years later, I still miss Henry… (A piece of you may too.)

  1. John Denver has been my favorite singer, song writer my entire life. His music has touched my heart like no other… his music resonates in my very soul… I wish I could have been his friend… I cared about him that much and still do… and will forever…

    • Kathryn,
      I understand completely!
      May we all relive, record, and celebrate the best parts of our legacy as well.

      It’s a good life!

  2. “Twenty years have passed, boy, but the memory still warms me.” (Wild Flowers In A Mason Jar) I loved your post, Bill. I know we’re all warmed with memories of John and his life. I’d like to share a few random thoughts. John’s influence in our lives has been significant in a positive way. I love the way he could put his thoughts and feelings into such poetic lyrics. What a sweet experience it would have been to have taken a long hike in the mountains with John, sat on a log beside a quiet lake and shared conversation. I feel like he’s my older brother whom I never really got to know. I’ve wished John could have experienced a greater degree of true success in his life, like spending more quality time with his children, his family, etc. etc. He did live life in a big way and he left an imprint on many hearts and souls.

    • Jonathan,
      So glad you enjoyed the the post.
      His ability to put thoughts & concepts to poetic lyrics is amazing. I imagine there would be thousands who would join you & John on a hike, including me!
      Celebrate the moments & savor each day, Jonathan.

  3. Iam 72 years young.John has always been the apple of my eye. I was 42 when I saw him in concert.Best day of my life.

  4. My Mom treated me to a John Denver concert for my College graduation. I still remember singing with the audience in the nosebleed seats… we all knew every word. Thank you Mommy – I love you and miss singing with you xxoo

  5. everything you said is so true, he was an inspiration to me and continues to be
    His music still moves to what matters in this life, and it should be a celebration
    of who we are and where we live and those around us including wildlife and nature

  6. John Denver bought so many things to people’s lives it was unbelievable. Calypso was my favorite song. John sailed on the Calypso with Jacques Cousteau (a good friend) it was The messenger of peace and of protecting the water planet for future generations. Each of us should take a page from Johns book. Greatly missed. Your words Bill are touching.

  7. John, his music and his politics continues to touch my heart. Although imperfect, he really cared about the world. Thanks for posting, Bill!

  8. Thank you for your beautiful piece of writing. I have enjoyed it so much! I first heard John sing in the early 70’s and introduced my husband to his music, while he in turn , opened up the music of the Moody Blues to me! We were fortunate over the decades, being able to see John live in concert 5 times. I remember enjoying each concert, marvelling at being in the same place as him for a few hours. As the evening would inevitably draw towards the end, I would feel so sad that it would probably be 2 years till he would return again to the UK. At the last concert, I could never have imagined what would be happening soon. He is still such a blessing to every single person who takes time to listen to his songs and his thoughts. Thank you ! xxx

  9. Excellent article, Bill. I sure do miss Henry, too. Humanity needed him, and nature needed such a strong defender. I was so sad when I found out his foundation for sustainability, nature education and compassion closed down and the land it stood on was sold off, I created a page on Facebook in honor of him called “Remembering John Denver and the Windstar Foundation.” Hope to see you there. Thanks for this. His music was the soundtrack of my life, too. The Beach Boys were in there, too. (I was born in California. It’s the law. lol) :)

  10. It strikes me that I miss someone so much that I never even met but I knew with my whole heart and soul. Beautiful tribute!! God bless! :)

  11. Not only did John Denver look into me and put to words and music Everything I feel but with your 32 Things you have done the same thing…there are almost none of his songs that I do not care for. Thank you.

  12. What a beautiful tribute to my most favorite of all singer/songwriters. Thank you for sharing this and I’m delighted to join your mailing list. John’s songs touched my life much as it did yours. I was led to his music by my sweet sister, who told me she’d heard this new singer she thought I’d like! Nope! I loved him from the first note I heard! He spoke to my heart so many times and he still does. Always will! Thank you for sharing this!

    • Carol, you are very welcome! John’s music does resonate deeply like that with a select type of soul. We may be kinfolk afterall! Blessings to you & yours.

  13. I remember listening to John in the early seventies as a young boy. Whenever I think of the early seventies, John’s music occupies my mind.